Mobile Coops for Chickens, Turkeys, and Ducks
Make your birds happy with our Happy Farmer portable coops for your chickens, ducks, or turkeys. Your birds will thrive in our Noble Welding movable coops, and your family and customers will enjoy higher-quality food.

Aluminum Mobile Coops for Your Poultry Farm
Join the Joel Salatin chicken coop movement with the Happy Farmer’s movable coops. These portable coops are designed from a chicken’s perspective to help farmers’ grain production and create a healthy chicken, duck, or turkey. Learn more about our mobile a-frame chicken coops and tractor coops for ducks, chickens, or turkeys!

Aluminum Mobile Coops for Layers or Broilers
Our mobile coops for chickens, ducks or turkeys work well for layers or broilers. For layers, we offer an aluminum nesting box that makes it very easy for even the kids to help gather the eggs.

Gain Production and Provide a Natural Meat or Egg
With our portable coops, your birds will get fresh juicy bugs every time you move the coop. Since they are contained, your birds should gain more weight for market!

Designed to Eliminate Stress and Gain Production
We all know that farming and raising birds for eggs or meat can be a stressful endeavor. Remove some stress with the Happy Farmer Mobile Chicken, Duck and Turkey Coops!
Shop Our Mobile Coop Models
10×18 Mobile Coop
$4,335.00The 10×18 mobile coop accommodates up to 90 laying hens or 100 broiler chickens. It features four easy-to-move wheels, a 4-foot walk-in door, durable canvas, and roosting bars. With ample headroom and interior…
10×12 Mobile Coop
$3,365.00The 10×12 mobile coop gives you space for 60 layers and 80 broiler chickens. It includes 2 wheels for easy moving, a 4′ walk-in door, a heavy-duty canvas, and roosting bars. This spacious…
8×10 Mobile Coop
$3,115.00An 8×10 mobile coop is the perfect fit for farmers or homesteaders looking to increase their current flock size. Now you can raise enough meat birds or eggs to provide for your family…
5×10 Mobile Coops
$2,660.00The 5×10 mobile coop works great for 20 to 25 chickens but also works well with a smaller number of hens. Some folks use it as a backyard chicken coop and it can…
Our Aluminum Mobile Coop from Noble Welding
- Wheels for Moving
- Aluminum Frame
- Nesting Boxes
- Easy to Gather
- Entry Flap on the 4×6
- Door on Larger Coops

Why Choose Moveable Coops?
Predator Free Mobile Coops
If hawks, owls, or other predators lurk nearby your chicken coop, you can sleep with peace of mind knowing that your chickens, ducks or turkeys are safe and secure inside of our predator-proof mobile chicken coops.
Easy to Move
You can determine exactly where the mobile chicken coop will be every day. Our mobile coops include wheels for easy moving. This eliminates manure piles, discourages insects, and provides excellent fertilizer for your yard or pasture.
Fertilizer for Your Pasture
A mobile coop gives your pasture an excellent source of fertilizer as it moves through the field.
Mobile Coops for Chickens
Are you looking for mobile chicken coops to raise your own meat birds or egg layers? With various sizes and add-on features, our portable chicken coops help you raise healthy, pasture-raised meat or eggs.
Since our mobile coops are designed similarly to the John Suscovich coop tractors, you can raise the same healthy chickens for your family or customers. Our aluminum mobile chicken coops on wheels allow you to raise your own food on the farm to the next level!
Mobile Coops for Turkeys
Many homesteaders are turning to turkeys to add a diverse meat option for their freezer and that of their customers. Since turkeys are larger and have the ability to fly higher than chickens, keeping them contained can sometimes be a problem.
Our mobile turkey coops give you the peace of mind that your turkeys are safe from predators and from flying away, plus give them access to fresh green grass daily.
Mobile Coops for Ducks
For the more experienced farmers, raising ducks is the perfect opportunity to expand your farm. Although raising ducks can be slightly more difficult, the rewards are also higher.
Our mobile duck coops are designed to fit meat ducks as well as layers. Since ducks are messier than chickens or turkeys, our coop tractors are designed to be moved with ease to avoid piles of manure. This allows you to relocate your ducks and keep a cleaner pen.
So whether you raise duck eggs or meat ducks, our moveable coops are designed to make raising ducks fun and family-friendly!

Assemble Your Movable Coops in a Few Short Hours
Assembly of the portable a-frame chicken coops for ducks will take between 2 and 4 hours. You should plan to have two people available for assembly. Each kit comes with assembly instructions to make the job easier. Learn more on the Coop Assembly page.